As the mind’s focus pushes us in a particular direction, we can learn to redirect that focus on positivity. This is not to say that we should ignore challenging conditions or put our head in the sand.
What it does suggest however is that since we know what we focus on is magnified, a conscious effort should be placed on the constructive and affirmative focal point of what we deem important or significant in our lives and for those around us.
What we express or communicate through words also has influence on our environment and those around us. We plant seeds in all fertile ground that we touch; let’s make sure those seeds are beneficial, no seeds of weeds.
We are not ignoring the hurt, the sorrow, the barriers, the lessons. What we are suggesting is quite the opposite. We acknowledge these and take from them the information that assists with our growth but we do not take up residence in these. We see the benefit of all events and utilize this benefit, but we do not allow ourselves to be defined by these events nor do we allow ourselves to be swept away by negativity, fear or anxiety. There is no real purpose in defining our lives through these avenues of expression and we only hurt ourselves and often those around us by focusing on these negative vibrations.
We are not turning our back on what we know to be real, but we are bringing to the surface what is important and to brings joy in some form. Happiness is a choice not something found.
Our focus expands in our lives as we concentrate, regardless of what that concentration point may be. It is important to become aware of this as it is easy to be swept away in the moment by challenging situations.
We have choices to make and are not at the mercy of life, but we are at the mercy of our thoughts. We can move in whatever direction we deem helps us or in contrast we can move in directions that we know can harm us and cause worry and stress.
Pay attention to how your body reacts to events. If you are feeling unwell, mentally or physically, this is a warning that you are living with stress and anxiety. Avoid dis-ease!
Practice mindfulness. Practice moving your focus to all that bring hope and a feeling of wellbeing. Life will happen but you have a choice on how you react to it.
Build on positivity by recognizing negative thoughts and reactions and stopping them in their infancy so they will not grow out of proportion and propel you in directions that are less than productive. Spend your time wisely and build on something that will propel you forward in a positive and constructive direction. You are worth the effort!
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