This year, 2017, the Fall equinox falls on September 22.
The fall equinox (equal division of day and night) is also called Mabon. It is a time to celebrate the reaping of the rewards of our hard labour and gathering the harvest. The Fall equinox is a time of reflection on the harvest of our achievements. It is often considered a time of change. It is linked to the sign Libra (which the Sun enters Libra on September 23, 2017) which above all else is a balancing sign. The balance we strive for is the knowledge of what to hold on to and what to let go of.
We now reap the rewards of our labours and if we have not sown the seeds of life in the manner we feel we should have, we may have to sacrifice some goals because of these shortfalls and count our losses.
Astrologically, the Fall equinox represents a balancing point between our self-image and any disapproval we may have with our view of ourselves. This is a perfect time to reflect on our goals for our life’s quest and the conquests in our lives. This review will assist us in recognizing our abilities and true selves.
The spring equinox is linked to the sign Aries and Aries begins things and initiates action. These two points (spring and fall equinox) are known as cardinal points. The cardinal points in the horoscope are known as action points. They are used as timing devices and lead to activity, drive, ambition, and involvement. During these two cycles, we should consider it a time of action -- either related to the start of something or the end or culmination point of whatever action we have already taken. These two equinoxes can be compared to the Full Moon and the New Moon and their symbolism of planting and harvesting.
It is a time to actively pursue a course of action, to take control of our lives and push forward in the direction of our choice. Again, Cardinal signs are action oriented and strive for activity that is often personally initiated. This will be the time to make things happen. Do not wait for or rely on others to get the ball rolling.
This is an annual reminder to push ahead or count our blessings and our losses. Use the energies of the equinox to push forward. Make the changes needed and address any situation that needs addressing. This is not the time to play ostrich so to speak. The time has come to move beyond any stagnated stages of life that have held us back.
Now is the time to reap the rewards after a busy season of planting the seeds and nurturing growth. Enjoy the fruits of your labour.
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