The progressed chart is another tool available to an Astrologer. The progressed chart, along with transits and the solar chart (for a year from birthday to birthday) are the three main factors in determining how the energies of the planets will unfold over the coming year. Advanced Astrologers can also use the midpoints and more in the delineation of events and timing.
The progressed Sun, Midheaven and Ascendant all move approximately one degree of arc each year, as well as all the house cusps. This varies minutely each year. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all have a three year affect, while the outer planets move much slower and their orb of influence is very tight. Some Astrologers use a 10-15 minute orb of influence with the outer planets. Each day of life after birth equals one year of life in a progressed chart, so your chart will have moved a full 30 days forward at age 31. The first year of life is the first day of life.
The progressed Sun, Midheaven and Ascendant are very significant in the progressed chart, just as they are in the birth or natal chart. The angular points (MC-Midheaven, ASC-Ascendant, DC-Descendant and IC-Immum Coeli) are activity areas of the astrology chart. We can call them action points. These are very important indicators as to when activity will take place. These angular points become active when a planet is within one degree of being direct to their degree. However, activity or intensity increases the closer they move to being direct (or at the same degree).
The progressed planets when in conjunct (0 degrees) to one of these angular house cusps will play a significant role that year of life and the energies will mix with the sign on the cusp of the house. The progressed Moon moves approximately one degree per month and when activated this time is often suggestive of change on some level and/or some emotional interaction. It can also be used as a timer. The Moon’s influence would be 3 months, one degree approaching, one degree while direct and one degree while separating. Each degree equals one month of time. If, therefore, a planet is at 12 degrees of a sign, the progressed Moon will be active from 11-13 degrees of that sign or in major aspect forming an angle to this placement in the chart.
The progressed chart is very similar when being delineated as the natal chart, but the orb of influence is not as wide, at least in my opinion. The influence becomes stronger the closer to exact the aspect between the two planets or planets to angular cusps.
Progressions are experiences that are on a more internal level, but they can still activate energies during the lives of individuals on an external level. In my opinion, the Sun and Moon and angular points are very significant and can affect the individual on an energetic and event oriented manner.
All of the major aspects hold relevance just as they do in the natal chart (Conjunction, Sextile, Square, Trine, Quincunx (although I personally use a smaller orb of influence with the Quincunx) and Opposition. The minor aspects are also important but again you must use a much smaller orb of influence that the orb used in a natal chart.
You can have the inner progressed planets affecting the natal chart indicating activity or influence, as well as transits influencing the progressed chart.
The progressed chart defines how the individual is developing in life through the movement of the planets forward. Progressions are a wonderful tool available to define how we are evolving in our personal life.
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