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Infinite Wisdom

It seems as though growth or change occurs quite frequently after experiencing challenging life conditions. These challenges allow for an opening to growth channels as a result of the turmoil of life events (or the change in attitude after the challenging experience). We seldom evolve through life conditions that are calm and collective. These more often than not are the regeneration periods. This appears to be the nature of our reality at least until the door of awareness opens.

Challenges come into play to assist us …lessons to helps us grow, rather than stagnating our growth. It may appear quite the contrary when experiencing these conditions; however, once the situation has resolved, we can clearly see how we prospered because of these events. It is difficult to understand while experiencing the process and we often feel as though we are at wits end, until finally a little glimmer of light shines over the horizon.

Remaining persistent and strong during these times can be arduous. Understand that when life seems challenging, it is then that we have reached a place that can foster growth on whatever level is required. These conditions continue until we have unlocked the door to the transition that eventually takes hold. We have to learn these life lessons to evolve to that next stage.

This seems to be the learning curve that best suits us in this earthly form; although once the door to true spiritual learning has been opened, it appears to no longer be a requirement. We need stiff jolts to push us in the intended direction in the beginning and then once we reach this culmination point, a shift takes place. It may take years to reach this as a multitude of layers needs to be shed until we reach the finer level of enlightenment. These early stages are the challenging ones. It gradually becomes easier to move forward as we progress with our growth, and we become open to the dialogue offered by higher sources.

Our guides and spiritual companions are with us always and have always been here assisting us through the shadows of our lives, yet we may not have recognized their influence as we were so wrapped up in the situation at hand and the emotional impact of that time. Our negative focus overshadowed our progress and the assistance we are and were receiving.

We continue to evolve if we remain open as this is our life’s purpose. It is our birth right to open ourselves up to the beauty found within. It is this path and the eventual outpouring of love that slowly allows our being to shine.

We are spirits in human form. We can never forget this. Our earthly life journey is to eventually co-exist on some level consciously with each and every energy body.

There is a knowing buried within which holds all of the information required to take that next step. The gateway will present itself when we are ready, regardless of the eagerness we feel. We cannot force the spiritual unfoldment to happen. The timing is not in our hands other than the acceptance of the time it will take. The sooner we realize this, the more readily the transition can occur.

Release your “wanting” and watch your world unfold.

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