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The Sun moved into Aries on March 20. Those with their Sun in Aries, depending on the degree, will experience the conjunction with Transiting Jupiter and Mercury, the sextile from T Pluto, and the conjunction of the North Node in the foreseeable future. There is a busy year coming up with lots of energy for those with this sun sign. For information on Sun in Aries see our post from yesterday

Those individuals with their Sun in the mid-degrees of Aries will be experiencing the conjunction of Jupiter and Mercury towards the end of March and into early April. This will be a time when you feel as though you can attain whatever your feel is important and your ideas can manifest.

Those with their Sun in the early degrees of Aries will have the transit of Pluto entering Aquarius making a sextile to this solar placement. This offers opportunities that can alter life in a significant manner. The path ahead can change dynamically.

Those with their Sun towards the end of Aries will experience the conjunction of the North Node towards the middle of July and as it moves down in degrees (the Nodes generally travel in retrograde although they do go into direct motion as well) the remaining Sun in Aries individuals will be experiencing this placement towards the end of 2024. This is a powerful conjunction which often brings important people into your life and life’s direction is often well lit and understood as time passes.

Those with their Sun in the early degrees of Aries will be experiencing the conjunction with the North Node as well as the sextile of T Pluto. These energies will be powerful towards the end of 2024. This is a time of preparation, and massive change is likely.

Put on some comfy shoes and get ready to move.

Happy solar return to our Aries readers.

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