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Tearing Down the Old

There are times in life when we should review where we have been, take a look around to confirm where we currently are and to anticipate but not dwell on where we might be going. We are forever evolving yet holding on to old, outdated habits, actions and people that no longer fit into our progression. This hoarding only creates difficulties. If these “things” are holding us back and creating hurdles perhaps it is time to make a shift. We should always be moving forward in life, evolving on a constant basis, even if only in minute increments.

Holding on to how life used to be serves little purpose. What “was” may no longer be relevant to where we are heading and may actually be holding us back. Letting go can also be challenging, whether this is a long standing relationship where all parties involved are so far apart that they no longer suit one another, an occupation that no longer fits the new self that is emerging, or an old set of philosophies that now stagnate our growth. Moving forward has its challenges but holding on might be far more detrimental to us in the long haul.

Having a future goal in mind can help us to continue with the growth that is necessary. We can set our goals to a reachable yet challenging level. We can strive for something that is attainable yet challenge ourselves for growth. We might even want to set a date for when we want to materialize something significant into our lives. Some find it helpful to keep a log of the progression to obtaining what that something might be and then as we maneuver ever closer to that objective, evaluate our progress and log it.

These logs can be great reflective materials down the road to see just how far we have actually come. Take little notes on how change has taken place as well as the mirror reflection in our outside environment. If we do not like what we see, we can then look within and see what we might do to take charge of the condition and make those alterations so that we are happy with what we see.

The future can be a little uncertain but would we rather stand still and stagnate or move forward experiencing the excitement of growth? Venture forth knowing that evolution is essential, no matter how difficult it may be. No matter how challenging life becomes, know that we have prepared this route beforehand and acknowledge ownership of all that is and all that will be.

There is nothing wrong with striving for a goal. It is part of our evolution but the only true moment we have is the current one. Living in the here and now is essential. The past is gone, the future is unpredictable but what we see is right there in front of us is. Life is this very instant and living in the now is all that exists.

This moment is eternal. It is inexhaustible. Live life to its fullest and enjoy each and every moment.

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