to Holm Astrology
Welcome to Holm Astrology. Our goal is to educate people about the science of Astrology and to provide our clients with the proper tools to accomplish and/or overcome anything in life.
Self-understanding is the first step.
Let Astrology offer insights to assist with your choices!
Holm Astrology is participating in the
10th annual
Body & Mind Psychic Fair
being held on
Saturday, January 18 and
Sunday, January 19, 2025
from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day
at Lions Gate Banquet Hall
386 Blake Street in Barrie, Ontario
Always Free Admission into the fair!
If you book in advance with Holm Astrology, you can take advantage of our $60 discounted rate for our Fair Card Readings.
The event offers Swag Bags for First 30 Guests!
Astrology Classes
Holm Astrology offers Astrology classes in the Spring and Fall each year.
Watch for announcements for registration in late winter for our up-coming spring courses.
Visit Astrology Classes for information on our various course.
Host an Intuitive Oracle Reading Party
and get your reading free!
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Holm Astrology will announce dates for registrations for our Astrology Classes.
Invite a minimum of four guests (five including the host) for parties held in the Barrie, Orillia and the Midland area.
The minimum number of guests is negotiable outside these areas.
All guests of the home party receive a one-on-one 30 minute private reading at a discounted rate of $60.00 each. Again, the host's reading is free!
Contact Holm Astrology to book your party
Holm Astrology offers a variety of Astrology Charts and mediums to meet our client's needs and budget.
Each Astrology chart report is prepared individually for each client. Information is not pulled from a computer data base.
Holm Astrology offers an in-depth look into your personality traits to assist you with self-awareness and provides a broad look at the possibilities that lie ahead so that you can be prepared for what life is offering.
A client Psychologist, who is not be named for obvious reasons, pointed out that with certain clients, it could take a Psychologist up to two years to acquire the information revealed in an individual's Natal Astrology Chart.
Astrology does not dictate your life but it certainly shows you the path of least resistance. Through the preparation of a Natal Chart, you can explore your potentials and apply your natural abilities.
We are so much more than our Sun Sign.
We also offer individual intuitive astrology based card readings. Card readings have been practices since ancient times. Message are communicated by the cards from our higher self and/or spirit guides. These messages can help us to understand and move forward on our current journey.
These readings can be conducted in person or by telephone.
I would like to invite you to watch my discussion with Christine McIver of Inspired Choices Network.
“Astrology is a science in itself and contains an illuminating body of knowledge. It taught me many things and I am greatly indebted to it.”~ Albert Einstein
Book your home party with Holm Astrology.
We offer free intuitive oracle card readings for hosts of home parties.