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Transiting Saturn entered the sign of Pisces March 7, moving into retrograde in June 2023, again in June of 2024 and completing its final retrograde cycle in Pisces towards the end of November 2024. It enters Aries in May 2025, goes retrograde in September 2025 and eventually stays in Aries by February 2026. Saturn while in retrograde works more favourably than while in its direct motion, so the retrograde cycles are important.

Saturn is all about structure and reliability and wants to focus its energy on things that are real and of substance. While moving through the sign of Pisces (opposite energies of Saturn), Saturn will want to look through the lens of clarity and definition. The mystical and intuitive qualities of Pisces will need to be weighed out and structured in such a way that only facts pass the iron tests of Saturn. There will be no wondering if something is real or imagined as life will go through a period of reflection, reality-focused and questioning if something is viable and concise.

Your spiritual connection may go through a period of testing and its validity will be confronted. You may question if it is practical and real. Your mystical and perhaps your religious beliefs may go through questioning and examination. After and often during the times of retrograde the potential for solidification and structuring takes place. Your ideologies connected with psychic matters may become more reliable and constructed so that there will be far less doubt on facts.

There may be some hurdles and questioning, but you will walk away far more conviction after this period. The truth will be told if any of your planets and angles are part of this (in particular the conjunction).

You will find the answers to anything that has been vague or if you have been uncertain. Use the information learned to make conscious decisions for your next steps in life.

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