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Today we are going to focus on a planet on the Midheaven (the MC).

A planet connected to the Midheaven by conjunction (up to 2 degrees before the MC or in the ninth house and up to 5 degrees past the MC or in the tenth house) is said to have a powerful influence on our goals in life. It will also impact our life’s path, our occupation or profession as well as our public image and standing in the community. About 5% of the population will have this energetic influence in their chart.

When you take into consideration the energies of the planet that “lives” on your MC within the degrees indicated and you utilize the energies available to you, the chances for success are enhanced.

Quite often the sign on the MC will provide clues as to what type of job would be suitable for the individual and the planet tied to this placement will add to this influence.

For example, someone with Gemini MC would do well in teaching and may have literary abilities especially if the north or south nodes are located in Gemini. The North Node would signify that this is part of the life’s plan, while the South Node would indicate that this was significant in a previous incarnation or these abilities would come natural to the individual and that they could use these abilities in this life.

If, for example, this individual also have Mars tied to the MC either in the ninth or tenth, this placement would further enhance these abilities. Mars always provides the push to move ahead. Even if tied to Saturn in some way, this push would be enhanced and would help propel this individual forward.

If Jupiter were the planet closely linked to this position, there would be good luck and expansion potential.

If the individual in question had Saturn linked to this MC positioning then there would still be drive and ambition associated with this position, yet it would be expected that this individual would have to work hard for the end results. Saturn would test the resilience and suggest possible delays before potentially providing security and structure as time passes. It may take longer and the drive may not be as extensive or forceful as it would be with Mars as the driving force on the MC. There would, however, probably be less mistakes along the way with the Saturn influence and this link would provide longevity and stability over time.

If Uranus were tied to this Gemini MC, there might still be links to writing and teaching yet this individual would be innovative and may move towards their objectives in sudden bursts of inspiration. Their writing skills may be considered provocative although probably insightful but they may also be considered somewhat eccentric in their approach.

Neptune in this location might indicate that there are literary abilities and these might be linked to mystical writings and spiritual concepts.

You can see that taking into consideration the surrounding planets to the MC can provide a much clearer insight into an individual’s approach to what they could do for a living and how that might be released.

These are potentials and there would have to be an thoroughly examination of the individual’s Sun sign, rising sign, and Nodal positioning to get a clearer understanding of how these energies might be released or be harnessed.

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