This post focuses on those of us who are between the ages of 54-57.
Anyone between these ages is entering into a new astrological stage. They can or are beginning to see themselves as an integrated whole and no longer just an extension of others. They are becoming clear on who they are as an individual and are comfortable enough that what others think is no longer important. They are who they are and they will be fine with this.
This is a stage when they are more concerned about life itself, more so than living up to other people’s expectations. They are forming relationships to make them whole. They have come to a point where they basically know themselves and are liberated with this knowledge. Relationships still have a place in their heart, some even deeper than anything experienced previously, but they can rid themselves of unwanted or draining relationships if they need too. This is not to say that they have become cold or uncaring, quite the opposite. They understand what they need and will form more meaningful relationships in order to build on this.
This period is about self-fulfillment and self-honesty. If they have been working well within these boundaries and living their life through generosity and love, they are well on their way to a more rewarding and satisfying life. They are on their way to the second Saturn return and undoubtedly they remember their first Saturn return around the age of 29, when they experienced life’s events to the fullest and matured immensely through a period of transformation on many levels.
There are several Astrological factors that are in effect during this time period. They will be experiencing the second progressed lunar return, which in short speaks of an emotionally coming of age. There will be a Uranus trine Uranus transit which is usually accompanied with excitement and the beginning of something new. Neptune is also in trine to its natal position which will help them gain a more realistic point of view on where their life is heading. For many in this age group, Pluto is also making a trine to its natal position which could be termed a life transformation. It is a period when we tap into our core.
Whoever falls within this age group will be going through the third nodal return which is directed towards a reorientation within and a clearer focus on life’s direction.
These astrological transformations taking place during this age usually signify deeper transformations taking place on many different levels. Explaining all of these astrological events is impossible in a short post, but you now have an idea why life is going through so many changes on so many levels for those in this age group.
They should enjoy the transformations taking place in their lives and prepare for the next major transition to unfold as they enter the latter years of your fifties. The late fifties mark the beginning of the second Saturn return. During the late fifties many will experience huge transformations. Some contemplate retirement while others begin something new.
One thing is for certain, this will be a fruitful time. Things will begin to materialize and gather momentum as the second Saturn return approaches. This is a high point in life and those in this age group are entering into a period that could be termed “the awakening of self”. These individuals can stay tuned to the higher frequencies in life, and enjoy their unfolding.
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