Were you told to pick your friends wisely as you become what you friends are?
Those that we surround ourselves with will certainly have an impact on us. Not only do others affect us on a mental level, but they can also have a bearing on our overall health. This is not to say that the person whom you invite over for coffee and a simple chat will greatly influence your physical conditioning, but they will influence you for that moment in time. It will, of course, be in your hands just how much of an impact you allow them to have on you.
Others may have important information that resonated with you on a deep level and you may choose to utilize the information offered. You will hold some of the dialogue in your conscious mind and you will also retain some of this information on a subconscious level. How much of that information, however, is unconsciously retained?
There are individuals that we spend many hours with throughout a week. Their input is quite significant to our evolving story. Is their influence positive in nature?
Family members are not always our best friends and we may allow them to produce much strife in our lives. Do we wish them a loving farewell or are they part of our lesson to learn to overcome outside influences?
Toxic relationships can have an impact on our overall health. No relationship should be allowed to rob us of our health or happiness. If you find that your relationships need altering, have a look at what you can do to facilitate change on some level. Remember, however, you cannot change someone else. If change is to be made, it is up to you to make the adjustment. If you have done all you can and the relationship is not improving, you cannot force change on someone else. If they are not willing to do the work, you have a decision to make.
On the other side of the coin, there are those relationships that simply feel good. You feel wonderful sharing time and energy with these individuals. Hold these relationships close and enjoy the experience. They may be a passing encounter or a lifelong blessing. No matter their length, they are precious.
Each of our various relationships throughout life will offer many things and on many levels. Do not take these relationships for granted, regardless of the challenging conditions that occur from time to time. They are special and we are fortunate to experience them. Some will be with us for a lifetime while others will share a moment with us.
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