For a limited time, Holm Astrology is offering an exceptionally special rate to previous clients (whether you purchased an Astrology chart reading, Oracle card reading or have taken an Astrology class).
We are offering a combined Transits & Progression Chart together with a Solar Chart reading for $85.00 (Local) or $100 (Long Distance Call) ……that is two chart readings for the price of a single chart reading. Both charts will be read during one sitting.
Transits and Progression speak of the past and near future energies and opportunities (although any time in the future can be talked about) while the Solar chart speaks of the general theme of the year from birthday to next birthday. While both charts speak of the timing of possible events, the transiting and progressed chart’s information is fleeting as the energies pass out of orb rather quickly. The solar chart is a forecast of the year to come from birthday to birthday. A perfect combination to obtain a detailed forecast lasting approximately one year.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at
To take advantage of this offer visit
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