Is it not time to raise our joined consciousness and focus our attention in one positive direction?
Our world and I specify “Our World” (both Mother earth and all of the inheritance sharing her bounty) appears to be under duress.
We, individually and as a whole, can offer some assistance in the healing. Our quest is to have as many people as possible (from all walks of life in as many countries as possible) to join together as one in the name of love and hope on Friday, July 28 at 8 p.m. no matter what time zone you live in. Our thinking is that by not using any one specific time zone (which makes is hard for those that a specific time would be in the early hours of the morning) the flow of energy will continue for an extended period of time.
Please place this in your calendar. We are asking for five (5) minutes of your time to create this collective effort.
Would you please helping us with this effort either by sharing this post or creating one of your own to reach as many people as possible?
Our focus is to live in a healthy, loving world for all living things and for each and every one of us to recognizing the important of this. We would ask that everyone focus their attention not towards healing as this implies sickness. We are not questioning whether this is true of not. Our focus creates our reality and knowing this we want to focus on a health world not a faltering one.
Imagine if everyone could focus or envision a vibrant, high energy Mother Earth and all living things that inhabit her are filled with love and peace. Picture this already set in motion. This will bring more of the same energies.
There is power in numbers. We are spirit, living in the flesh with the light within us already. We do not know what the full repercussions of our joint effort will be but beyond a doubt, it will be a move in a positive direction.
Please join us Friday, July 28 at 8 p.m. your time and add you personal vibration to this effort. Will you join us to add a little more love and light into our world?
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