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It is with a heavy heart that we have watched and listened to all that has transpired on the numerous islands and the state of Florida and north as a result of Hurricane Irma, the other hurricanes that followed, the earthquakes in Mexico, etc. Countless people have lost their homes, their belongings, have been displaced and even worse have lost loved ones because of these events.

Some question why.

So many have stepped up to the plate and have offered assistance in varying forms to these areas and their people.

It can be very trying facing Mother Nature as well are the varying other forms of storms of life. How do you pick up the pieces and move on?

In monetary ways, we pull together and rebuild our lives after such tragedies in one way or another, but the memories of the events are not soon forgotten. Many will rebuild but once the physical life is back to normal, many, many people will struggle with the emotional scars left behind. The emotional trauma can be much more difficult to move beyond. Some come through feeling blessed for having survived; others come through with great emotional scars.

In reality, all we ever have had and all we ever will have is this particular moment. We must remember to live in this moment. This can be a challenge but if we want to truly live, there is no choice. We can get caught up in the past or worry about the future which leads to struggles with which we have no control. Attitude once again, plays the most significant role in how we move forward.

Our hearts and positive thoughts are with all of those who have been touched and are still being touched by these events. It is our hope that you come through this even stronger than previously. It is amazing how these types of events can pull people together. The generosity of others will help the physical conditions. We are one people without borders. What one experiences, on some level, we all experience.

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