Today, February 3, 2015, the full Moon is in Leo. At the same time, Mercury is in retrograde in Aquarius in opposition to the Moon for a few days into February (direct on the 8th). The Sun is always in opposition during full Moons and is in direct opposition when the Moon moves into the 13-14th degree. Transiting Jupiter will also be in conjunction at 18 degrees Leo with the Moon. Together, these influences can enhance this period, in particular if you also have planets in the 13-18 degree corresponding with Jupiter or 5-6 degree corresponding with retrograde Mercury.
Full Moons are often linked with the conclusion of intentions that were set during the New Moon phase. The new Moon is considered a time to make things happen or to set into motion or make goals. It is believed by this Astrologer that the intention can be in place during that initial new moon phase and activated or set into action during the Full Moon.
It is often linked to the feeling of reaching the end of a condition when the ideas come together and you can visualize the whole picture and instinctively know what the next steps should be to reach your goals.
Mercury retrograde is also a time when you should be laying the foundation for something of importance down the road. The two will interact with each other and with Jupiter attached to the equation, the ability of reaching these objectives and promoting something worth-while is enhanced.
The cause could be humanitarian in some way (Mercury and Sun in Aquarius), reaching out to the masses, or it could include something that you feel would be very important to you (Moon and Jupiter in Leo). The overall impact should affect you personally and come from the heart but should also be directed outward in an expression to those around you. In your Natal chart, refer to the houses that transiting Mercury, transiting Moon and transiting Jupiter are in for further definition. You should also look at the placement of your natal Moon by house and sign placement to make the picture a little more clear.
During this full Moon phase, you will instinctively know which path to take and you now have the ability to take that next step towards reaching that objective. It is time to act and promote your ideas, especially once Mercury moves out of retrograde on the 8th of February. Look for a philosophical truths to follow and align with a set goal that will facilitate such growth. Outline for yourself what you can do to bring this idea into fruition.
If you have outer natal planets in the 5-6 degree as well as the 13-18 degree, the transformations unfolding could be internal and very significant, as well as long lasting. The Full moon happens every month but this one is particularly strong because of the links to Mercury retrograde and Jupiter. You should not expect the experience to be life altering or even outwardly significant, however. The effect is very subtle but as time passes, things become more apparent as you link up with your intentions in the future. Your life’s path in some unique cases has the potential to unfold especially if connected to the Moon’s Nodes and even with Pluto and linked by conjunction.
Pay particular attention to this short time frame and set goals into action. Watch as these goals materialize on some level down the road. Life is filled with opportunities and this time frame is one of them. Look inwardly for some guidance but to outside influences and external guidance, as both areas of life are highlighted.
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