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We will experience the full moon in Taurus today, October, 24, 2018, at 12:47 p.m. EDT

For those of you who are new to reading our posts, the full moon’s energies are a time to reap the harvest of the seeds that you sowed during the New Moon that was in the sign of Taurus some six months ago. The New Moon speaks of new beginnings and the Full Moon speaks of results of our actions. We reap what we sow and our efforts over time will determine whether we harvest a bumper crop or weed out what has not grown. Much will depend on the energy we have put into our garden of life and how we followed up on ideas as the project began to materialize.

A Full Moon in Taurus often suggests that what was put in place or planted during the New Moon phase has something to do with material acquisitions. This could include buying a home, building a career, setting goals in place that would have a lasting effect and the building of security. Taurus is steadfast, wants reliability, needs structure and is slow to act as its energies want to insure that everything is in place before plunging into whatever area of life is indicated by the house placement in your personal chart of this Full Moon which is at 1 degree of Taurus.

The Moon is conjunct transiting Uranus, often suggesting upheavals, disruptions, changes and sometimes speaks of new directions to follow. Uranus is abrupt and unconventional and when linked with the Moon in Taurus, the energies do not mix together well. One seeks security and one pushes for change, although often the changes lead to a place where we are meant to go.

We can basically expect the unexpected when it comes to Uranus as it can be a bit of a trailblazer. Anything that no longer suits our objectives and personal growth will be challenged and either we make changes and adjust our direction or we push in a completely different direction. This will be tied closely to the house position of transiting Uranus, not only the house position of the Moon. One important thing to consider is that this Full Moon has its greatest impact if you have something in your natal chart which becomes activated by its position.

We are also experiencing a fixed T-Square with the Sun and Moon in opposition and both making a tight square to the transiting North Node. T-Squares, although challenging, provide a strong push to achieve what we set out to do. The T-Square seeks balance and activity, and you will need to push yourself in order to succeed.

The North Node speaks of our path in life; in transit it speaks of the path we need to take now. There may be some frustration with moving in that direction. Locate this placement in your chart and then look at the opposite house of the focal planet (in this case the North Node and the South Node is always in direct opposition to the North Node).

The South Node has to do with falling back into a comfortable situation defined by the house placement and what you need to do is push ahead with your objectives and to not be held back by that which feels comfortable and familiar. The North Node offers a new direction. This fixed T-Square will provide you with the necessary drive to move ahead even through any adversities that might appear along the way. Determination is strong and your will can push you when you need it to. It is time to move ahead in a constructive manner but at the same time try to not hurt anyone along the way because of your need to pushed to meet your own personal objectives. Find the balance here.

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