There are many, many learning tools at our disposal in this classroom of life.
Some individuals seem to enter this life equipped with ingrained understandings of many advanced principles, while others are learning and formulating concepts as their life progresses. The further we delve into our life’s lessons, the more we realizes how much more knowledge there is still to process and just how little we are actually are aware of.
As mentioned, there are a great many tools available to us and our greatest teacher is life itself. We can study in classrooms and groups through organized activities that will enhance our understanding. We can accelerate our understanding of spirituality, metaphysical concepts and occult practices through reading, meditation and other practices. No matter how prepared and informed we may feel, we will not arrive at the next stage of understanding until we are spiritually ready. The higher self, our inner connections, the universal energy (call it what you will) knows when the timing is right. One of our greatest lessons relates directly to the fine art of learning patience. (Oh that is such a hard one!)
Those “advanced” students in the spiritual classroom know the secret to achievement (if this is what you want to call it). They utilize all that they understand daily through practical applications. They are human and they accept failure but they do not own it. They are human and they get excited with advancements but they do not let ego run with this either. They accept that there is little to no purpose in understanding what they have been taught if they are not fully practicing what they know. Without question, this can be difficult. It takes much work and dedication.
Beware of self-deception as we begin to feel like we are mastering the techniques at hand. In reality we are more than likely just at the doorstep to real progress. Ego often stands in the way of real understanding and development.
Be content with knowing and continually practice what you do understand.
Gratitude is a giant step forward. It is a personal choice to fully live our knowledge as knowledge alone is nothing more than a garden filled with produce left unharvested.
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