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On May 25, 2017, we were looking at dealing with emotional events or major changes in life. We will continue today with these thoughts.

Living in the moment and experiencing the now is all we really have. Expectations and living in the past set us up for emotional wounds.

Life is always taking us where we need to go. Many of us believe that there are much greater forces at work. Let go and let God, some would suggest. Others want to have a hand in all that unfolds. Perhaps a balanced blend of both is what is required.

Some suggest that we should move forward without any expectations. Others suggest that we hold on to what is dear and meaningful and maintain these as our focus.

What feels right to you in your situation? What do you feel you need to do (not want to do) as a result of the conditions in your life? The answer can be found deep within. Sometimes the answer is not what we want to hear so we ignore it. Do not get stuck on “would have”, “should have” or “could have”. Life is about moving forward. You cannot stay back in the mindset of regret. This is not productive.

Do not personally own events in life. Allow yourself the freedoms you need to move forward. Listen to the voice within. Listening intently through quiet meditation often produces the answer that we need. There is a greater force within that knows what we need and who understands the “why” even when our minds do not.

You can find your way through but if you deem it necessary ask for advice or assistance. You do not have to do this alone.

It is your journey. Experience this journey fully by living in the moment. The past is but a memory. Tomorrow may never come. Right now is yours! Run with it............

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