Neither our family members who have passed over nor our guides are ever very far away. They are with us frequently especially in times of need.
Our guides can change over time as they are there to help us during specific times in our lives and when their specific energies and expertise match our area of required growth at the time. Many guides can come and go but there can be specific guides that are with us throughout our life time.
For those wanting to enjoy a clear connection with their guides, meditation is an invaluable tool.
For those that have never meditated before, to help get started, there are guided meditations available through many online sources, and you will undoubtedly find at least one or more that will work well for you. Our particular personal vibration will fit certain procedures or methods more than some others. We can keep trying difference methods until we find one that works best or resonates with us.
Do not expect some over-the-top experience. The connection is very subtle at least in the early stages. It is like a muscle. It takes practice and experience to get consistently proficient at clearing our mind.
Alternatively, we can meditate without guidance and simply use the sounds of nature or complete silence in our meditation practice.
Some meditation experiences are simple silence and peace. Do not underestimate this experience. It is a wonderful one. This is an ideal method to reduce the chatter and rejuvenate the soul, mind and body. This mediation can certainly brings us strength and courage during trying times. To quiet the mind also helps us to de-stress.
Meditation practices are a tool to clearing the stress and chaos of life. This can be an invaluable practice to opening up to our guides.
There are certainly times when we are connecting yet we are completely unaware of the subtle communications. This lack of awareness often deters some of us from continuing our practice as we feel as though we are getting nowhere or that our progress is stifled.
Watch for ego interference. Ego will tell us that we are never ready for this connection. Rest assured that we are always ready and we would not even be attempting to connect if we were not.
Some meditations allow the subtle voice within to provide us with helpful information. This quite voice does not operate the same way that our speech does. We may catch our minds repeating the message offered by our guides because this information does not come through on normal channels. Some people’s experiences are that the words received from spirit/guides/higher self are not actually in the form of normal spoken words as the message is received instantaneously. The message received does not take the normal time for the information to be processes such as when we are listening to oral conversation. It is as though everything is said in an instant and comprehension is complete and clear also within the instant that the information is provided to us. It is as though a whole sentence or even a paragraph is said instantaneously, all at once and this is foreign to the physical mind so our mind repeats the words.
Experiment with different ways of meditation over the next several days and we will continue our look a connecting with our guides on May 21, 2019.
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