It can be very difficult when you see anyone going through a difficult if not debilitating experience. We each seem to have these moments. It certainly is wonderful knowing that there are those around us that will always be of assistance when we are in need. At times, when we lose our focus, life can sometimes seem very unfair and it is easy to get swept away by these circumstances when we allow ego to lead the way. There are times when we feel we cannot come up with the needed answers and an inkling of relief seems very distant.
If you find yourself assisting someone through one of these tumultuous life events, remember not to allow yourself to get caught up in their emotions. Helping someone does not mean that you own the event. You cannot be of assistance if you are weighed down by their burden. Many of us can easily get caught up in other people’s issues because of our compassion and we end up taking on more than just a roll of assisting.
There are some that are so psychically inclined that they allow other people’s issues to become their own, without even knowing it. They can feel depressed and not understand the root of these feelings. If you do not understand why you are feeling what you are feeling, the odds are the emotions are yours but the reason they are there is not. It is important to take inventory of what you are feeling so that you are not carrying around someone else’s baggage. We are here to reach out to those in need, to offer our help and emotional support and provide an ear or shoulder when needed; however do not make these issues your own.
Allowing someone to unload and to talk is probably one of the greatest gifts you can give. Be wary of taking sides. There are always alternative ways of looking at issues. Affirmative feedback has its place however.
Send love and support and let them carry on with their journey. We can only assist those who want help. We have to honour other people’s wishes and opinions even when they differ from our own.
We will always be friends in need, but we are never meant to carry someone else’s burden.
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