As we work our way through our current situation, many have mentioned that fear seems to dictate their every move.
We have to come to terms with our unfolding story.
Will we build our world on what is considered our requirements?
Do we let the concern for others slide as we become more and more focused on our own safety?
Do we matter more than others?
Is our quest now just to simply survive?
We are experiencing our current situation in order to move us in a certain direction. Life happens for a reason and if we are to learn from this, what are we here to change?
Change begins with each and every one of us. Many of us, other than essential workers, certainly now have time for reflection. How have we been living our lives? What needs to change and what will we be like when this whole experience is over?
Will we be a new person or will we slip back into the exact same attitudes and responses we had prior to this epidemic? Do we really want to go back to the old “normal”?
This can be a massive life changing experience which we all share. How we respond will affect more than just ourselves. Any act of kindness and any show of love can help those caught up in the stress and fear of “what ifs”. Many of us practice mindfullness and understand that we cannot get caught up in concentrated negativity as it only builds more of this energy. At the same time, we understand acceptance and that just as our minds can create negativity, it too can create a more positive outlook. We can manage our thoughts and not react. We understand that focus is important regardless of how life is evolving around you.
Worry and stress fragment our peace and inner contentment. We have the power to rise above this situation. Live in the moment as truly this moment is all we have.
Were we previously too focused in the future? Were we too focused in the past? Were we too focused on ourselves? Each of us will have a different answer.
Perhaps we are now here to push ahead with our connectedness, with the understanding that we are all one. We are all the same after all. Age, sex, race, religion, location…none of these make a difference.
What are the lessons were are learning right now?
Each of us can reach out and create a shift in our own little corner of the world.
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