Life is a complex series of events and experiences. We move through life and learn from each event. In many cases we must sift through our mind to understand some of these events. The people involved can take us to places we don’t want to go or in contrast show us places we never imagined possible. Life is complicated at times especially when there are hard lessons to learn. We are here to experience, however, and life is the teacher.
Regardless of how life unfolds, it is imperative to wrap our arms around it and know that no matter what comes our way we will grow from these experiences. If it was easy all the time, we would stagnate.
Some believe that are being here is a choice. Some believe that we picked this life and our life’s circumstances. This can be hard to grasp especially when we go through trauma and stressful experiences.
When we recognize that we must take responsibility for, at the bare minimum, our response to life, life can change. This does not mean that when someone harms us we take responsibility for their actions. What it does mean is that on some level it will assist us to grow and hopefully at some point let go and move on.
Life can be hard, but it can also be magnificent. Life is full of wonder and a life well lived encompasses both trying and pleasurable experiences.
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