What is our personal journey in this life? The answer is known by few.
This is an adventurous dream manifesting daily. Some days are rocky cliffs and others are gentle plains.
We walk this ever changing path alone and yet it is shared with all. The adventures experienced are unique to each of us and the flowers we get to smell are also unique to our focus.
Ours is a life of magic seen through our personal expression and around every corner a new experience awaits us. Each corner offers a new challenge to stimulate our awaken to new vibrations. Each challenge sheds its skin to make room for expansion as we venture forth.
The journey is a fascinating one yet oh so short. Every moment should be acknowledged and lived to its fullest.
We are here to experience life itself and all that it offers. Use this creative knowledge available. It is not meant to be tucked away and buried in the recesses of our minds.
We are here to explore ourselves to the point of complete recognition to the full extent of human awareness. Find the hidden treasures that live beneath the surface of our inner self.
Take hold of your dreams. Make things happen and enjoy the expanding cycle of life. Live each moment as though it were your last. For truly, all you have is this moment.
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