Mars moves approximately ½ to 1 degree each day and it appears to move backwards in the heavens while in retrograde for approximately 56 to 82 days. It stays stationary about 4 to 6 days under normal conditions.
Mars begins its retrograde cycle on September 11, 2020, when it will be at 28 degrees in the sign of Aries. On November 14, 2020, it moves back into its direct motion and will be at 15 degrees Aries when it does. It will touch all of these degrees once again as it moves back into direct motion, finally moving beyond the 28 degree Aries mark in early January, 2021.
Mars, while in retrograde motion, will be less aggressive in its energies as it operates in a much softer manner while in retrograde. Mars in direct motion is fearless and strives to fulfill all its desires. Mars is considered brave and outgoing and is our push in life to strive to the next level through being assertive and sometimes somewhat intrusive. Sometimes through retrograde motion, there can be times of reprieve or delays causing some disruption to the normal energies associated with Mars. There can be delays of action. Mars is about drive and ambition and this seems stifled.
This is not to say that you should not engage in activities that are scheduled during these times of retrograde motion but the energies in place under normal conditions may not be as easy to find during this time. You will find that if there was a rush to life prior to September, things may very well slow down somewhat. When Mars once again turns direct in January you may find that the energies, as they have been pent-up, release as a flurry of activities.
Have a look at which house/houses Mars transits in your chart during the period mentioned above and also if there are any planets that transiting Mars will make aspect to. This will define what areas of life will be subdued and how the energies will be spent during this cycle. Expect a release of energies when Mars turns direct and passes over planets especially by conjunction for the final time. The retrograde cycle will make three direct hits over any planet it touches - once while in direct motion, then again when it passes over it again in retrograde and then finally when it moves across the same point in its direct motion. The last pass will be the most influential.
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