Periodically throughout our journey we seem to be bombarded. No matter which way we turn challenging conditions come out of nowhere.
These are tests of our beliefs, our resolve, and our commitment. If these cannot be challenged, how can they be worth having? Find solace in knowing they are real and worthy of our commitment.
Events and emotions can feel overwhelming, and we may want to let go or run. We understand the process and even though we believe that good things are just around the corner, we can feel we lack the determination to make it though. Part of us says push your way through and another part says to give in or let go.
Letting go is not giving in. It takes faith to let go and allow. If we have done all we can then let go and let God/Source/Higher Energy (call this whatever is comfortable for you). There are some individuals who completely live their lives this way recognizing that life happens the way it does for a reason, and we are not at the mercy of life,( although it feels that way). We must let go to connect with our higher resources which includes the one within.
This is not a weakness. The leap of faith takes strength. Reaching out and recognizing our connection with source is a valuable lesson. However, recognizing that what we need to learn may not always be easy or pleasant. Don’t forget we think with a limited earthly mind and we do not understand because we can not conceive beyond our mind.
Life will take us down many different roads and some are very difficult. We can run up against what appears to be unscalable walls. When the wall is too high to climb, we can find ways to tear it down or be lifted over it. We should not be afraid or ashamed to ask for help but if we do, we must be open to the answers that come to us. The answers may not always be what we expect or want.
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