Where has your life taken you?
Even at a young age, we are taken to many places that we never thought we would go. Life’s experience is the teacher, and we can be sure that life is not finished taking us to new places just yet.
Sometimes we have curve balls thrown at us when we least expect them and are given hard life lessons, and then sometimes, we are taken to wonderful places where we experience sheer joy from our attitude towards what we experienced. There can be times, we seem to stagnant and nothing of significance happens.
One thing is for sure, even if life has been uneventful recently, it will begin its new course as we rest. These quiet periods are the perfect time to reflect, to enjoy the quiet and solitude while available.
If you begin to see changes to your outside world, this is an indicator that changes are also taking hold within. Inner changes are often reflected in outer circumstances.
Change is inevitable. Some of us are well at adapting, while others resist. Some seek security and, although variety is refreshing, would rather stay in familiar situations then take chances to move into different circumstances.
Our attitudes go through major changes, and this is often reflected in our external experience as well. Sometimes nothing really changes yet our attitude towards life does, so, life seems different. New directions are always at hand and learning from life’s experiences is unavoidable.
Life is the teacher; we are the students, ever learning, ever experiencing, ever expanding.
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