With the New Moon falling in Aquarius on January 27, 2017 in our area of the world, we will be provided with an opportunity to make a new start with something that will manifest over time and help us move forward in our objectives. These objectives might focus around humanitarian concerns beginning with your friends and neighbors with the Aquarius influence. We might as well begin close to home or even in the home.
Aquarius is a forward thinking sign. Perhaps it is a little ahead of its time, but always thinking in terms of helping others (as well as themselves) move out from places or situations which have stagnated them. This can touch on various actions but mostly likely will include manoeuvring yourself into a position that might have some impact on the world around you. Make sure peace and equality are high on the agenda and that whatever you are trying to push forward with is beneficial for all those involved.
Sometimes making changes can be difficult, but they are usually necessary. Remaining in a difficult and stagnated situation serves little purpose. Aquarius’ purpose it to make you realize that there is more out there waiting for you and you do not have to be satisfied with anything less than what you rightfully deserve. This could include a relationship that you have been putting off because you just don’t think that you have what it takes, or a career move that frightens you because of your belief that you have potential shortcomings. If you have thought these things through and you are only holding back because of ego downplaying your abilities, you might just want to make that decision and take the plunge.
Aquarius wants to break free of restriction and find new avenues of expression. It dares you to walk away from what feels comfortable, has now gone stale and offers little new potential. Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius along together with Saturn. These two planets’ energies do work a little against one another. Uranus is the trend breaker, the freedom seeker, the creator of the new wave movement, while Saturn is the one that wishes things to remain the same and is uncomfortable with anything new or untested. Saturn can be rather restrictive and although it does offer stability, it also provides you with reality and something that is firm and has a foundation. You may have to juggle between these two alternatives during this important decision making which falls under the influence of the New Moon in Aquarius.
Watch for jumping for the sake of jumping. Always do your homework. Rash behaviour and impulsive actions have been known to be associated with the energies of Aquarius. As long as all the “i”s have been dotted and the “t”s have been crossed, you should be in a position to make your move or stay for that matter. The choice is always yours. Astrology points the way but you are in the driver’s seat of your life.
This New Moon falls at 8 degrees Aquarius and any planet in your chart along with any angles at this degree (you can go as far back as 5 degrees of any sign and as far forward as 11 degrees of any sign) will be influenced by this New Moon. By taking into consideration the house position of the New Moon and any angles or planetary aspects that enhance this New Moon, you will get a clearer picture of how these energies might unfold and what areas of life will be involved for you personally.
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