The New Moon cycle entering Capricorn on January 9, 2016 brings into focus Capricorn’s tendencies to accentuate responsibility and opportunities for advancement particularly in fields associated with prestige and status. This could clearly be reflected in our professions or careers. This can be a time when we set into motion objectives to develop or improve these areas of life.
The Full Moon will be in the sign of Capricorn on July 19, 2016. This will be the time when you see the harvest of the fruits of our labour planted during this approaching New Moon.
Capricorn’s energies focus on achievement, reaching our objectives through hard dedicated work, without obstruction and without ever taking short cuts. If we plan and act using these guidelines, our potential for success will be greatly improved. We may not reach our goals completely but we will be well on our way to fulfilling these objectives.
The New Moon falls in Capricorn at 19 degrees, 13 minutes. If we have planets in our birth chart within a five degree range of this degree, the energies of those planets will be emphasized. The house placement of the New Moon will be the area of life that can be affected and planets natally aspecting your Moon as well as Saturn can show areas of influence. If the Moon or Saturn is poorly aspected in the natal chart especially with one another, those individuals will have to work diligently towards their end result. This in general applies to the theme, as Saturn the ruler of Capricorn, suggests hard work, discipline, diligent effort and rewards after great efforts.
It will be our responsibility to work accordingly and to not take short cuts, but also to work towards the end result with integrity and honesty. Any slights on our part will undoubtedly work against us. If the reputation or status of our occupation is on the line as we prepare for this work, the culmination of our results may be highlighted during the influence of the Capricorn Full Moon.
Remember everything in life happens for a reason and if by chance we lose our job or if we fail to get that self-promoted initiative off the ground, this is meant to be. We learn valuable information from our hard lessons which turn into stepping stones towards other new adventures. There are no wrong turns in life. There are sometimes crossroads and roadblocks particularly when Saturn is involved that seem to stand in the way of progress but they will help us in the long run.
Never hesitate to ask for advice from those in authority or reach out for assistance from our superiors during this time frame. Those of higher positions can help us reach our objectives and any advice provided should be processed. Sometimes a parent will be of assistance during this time and provide financial assistance or guidance during these steps towards fulfillment. We can use the expertise of anyone who is in a position to help and it is actually recommended that we do so. If we do not accept advice from those in the know, the chances for success may be thwarted, although hard work and a disciplined effort will do much in achieving our goals.
If we have aspects in the natal chart from the Sun, Jupiter or Venus, our chances of success with less effort are greatly improve. If we have aspects from Saturn, Mars and Pluto, we may be subject to hardships, delays and ego interference. Much depends on our approach and attitude as time progresses.
Keep an open mind. Push towards making things happen. Approach your objectives with enthusiasm and zest. A positive frame of mind and pushing hard will always work in our favour.
Jot down your objectives and your intended path to achieve these objectives. Let’s review our notes and the outcome in July during the energies of the Capricorn Full Moon.
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