Today, June 13, 2018, at 3:45 p.m. EST, we will experience the New Moon at 22 degrees of Gemini.
A New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon form a conjunction at the exact same degree of a sign.
A New Moon’s energies are conducive to initiating a new beginning. We like to refer to this as the planting period in the garden of life. The sign and house position of the New Moon in the astrology chart defines the characteristics and area of life that will be involved with these energies.
With this New Moon being at 22 degrees Gemini, anyone having a natal planet or angle within five degrees of this positioning especially by Conjunction (0 degrees), Opposition (180 degrees), Square (90 degrees) or Trine (120 degrees) and to a lesser degree sextile (60 degrees) and quincunx or inconjunct (150 degrees) will be influenced by the New Moon’s positioning in the natal chart.
The conjunction is the most powerful aspect indicating a blending of energies. The opposition will be the next most powerful aspect suggesting the influence of others and the square will be next indicating some stress and struggles associated with this positioning. The sextile and trine often bring opportunities and easy flow, while the quincunx indicates that an adjustment is at hand.
A New Moon in Gemini often points towards communication and intellectual pursuits. Gemini is intellectually inclined and has the ability to transfer information, to be versatile and adaptable and to change when necessary. Sometimes Gemini will be associated with verbal agreements or written matters. Gemini may be associated with teaching, literature and the signing of documents of importance.
There are three other major aspects highlighted during this period. Mars in in opposition to the North Node, Uranus is square to Venus and Jupiter is trine to Neptune.
The North Node often speaks of important people and our life’s path. When in opposition with one another, it is suggested that someone may enter into your life and help with life’s direction in a significant manner. Mars will provide the impetus to push in the direction being suggested but we make the final decision.
Uranus speaks about a new direction and a push for change and when associated with the planet Venus, may speak in terms of an involvement with romantic ties or with a young woman that is now faced with adversity. The square speaks of obstacles to overcome and stumbling blocks in the way to success. Perseverance and hard work is often indicated if anyone affected by this aspect wishes to move forward.
Also, Jupiter in trine to Neptune may suggest that expansion is possible when it comes to spiritual involvement and moving towards a mystical pursuit. Trines suggest easy flow and opportunities. If this was speaking of romantic involvement, then it would be important to not place the lover on a pedestal. It would be important to see this lover clearly and in a concise manner without wearing proverbial rose coloured glasses.
Be sure to look at your entire Astrology chart to clearly understand how this may apply in your life. The houses involved represent the areas of life involved and the angles will define how these energies will play out. The closer aspects are to being direct, the stronger their influences. Your chart will also indicate how long these energies are in force and what can be done to help utilize the energies at hand.
Astrology is an amazing tool.
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