The solar eclipse on April 20 is in the sign of Aries @ 29°. Planets in the final degree of a sign have a fated quality suggesting that there is an emphasis on getting things done. There is an urgency attached to what needs your attention. This eclipse can have an impact for up to one year if it touches your natal planets or angles within 3°. The conjunction and/or opposition are the strongest indicator of change with a strong impulse to move in personal directions (Aries).
There is a driving force pushing you ahead to make personal changes, to take control of your life and make plans that are far-reaching but personal in nature. New beginnings are at hand. In most cases when something new is on the horizon it indicates that there are endings too so that the door is open as the changes approaches.
Disruption, obstacles, ego challenge and perhaps forceful situations are at hand due to the square from Transiting Pluto. Pluto’s influence enhances the fact that something must come to an end. There will be no half measures with how this unfolds. It will be complete and decisive and we may be forced to go with the flow rather than fight the process.
Action is likely a requirement but not quick decisions. You need to weigh things out before jumping. Jumping without proper insight is not suggested although the urge will be strong. Take your time; think things out. However, you should be assertive and take charge of the situation.
This is about your needs although it may affect others, but over aggression is not a good idea. Others may get hurt as may you. Over assertion is not the route to take. Violence of any kind is not suggested although this aspect is about self-empowerment and independence. It requires bravery on some level. Perhaps you know that the change must come but are afraid of where it might lead you. Watch for strong thrusts in an overaggressive manner.
Seek out compassionate ways. Think of others and how they might respond but know that this is about your needs and that this is not due to egotistical requirements. You are the master of your destiny. Ride the wave of change and know that it may take some time to be comfortable again, but change is a requirement.
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