How would you finish off this statement – “One step forward...........”. Would it be “and two steps back”, or “in my journey of life” or would you simply leave the statement as it is?
How you finish that statement is a good reflection of how you are currently viewing life. Is your current view a negative one of moving backwards (two steps back)?
Even when life appears to be moving backward, it is not. Understanding “every event holds within it a valuable lesson” would alter this view or opinion immensely.
Life is always moving forward even when it appears as though it is not. We learn our primary lessons from life when it is seemingly is in retreat. These difficult lessons are actually stepping stones. Most of our valued lessons stem from challenging conditions. If we can maintain this perspective, we will not be affected in a negative way mentally when life’s direction seems challenged.
Some individuals with complete faith in the process actually welcome hard lessons as they know they personally will grow in leaps and bounds when the lesson has been completed. There are also some individuals that make negativity their identity and they believe unconsciously that by maintaining a victim status, this gives them an identity to the world.
One step at a time is a great motto.
We can live by accepting what has happened in our lives and then move on beyond those events. How we react to anything in life is our choice. Shall we allow an event to define us or shall we take from all events the lessons presented and grow from them?
Challenges in life are ideal tools to help us grow and expand our understanding or they can assist us to change our direction in life. There are times that we need to start over again, beginning anew and changing direction from the course we were on. Sometimes life events will push us in that direction. Other times we are meant to stay determined and committed to what life has presented us with.
What a wonderful feeling of accomplishment when we have conquered a difficult situation. What amount of faith does this build in us?
Our reactions are always a choice. Even when life seems to dictate, our response is what we control. Is our response to life’s conditions “one step forward”? Recognize the potential in this statement.
Why would we want to view life from the perspective that we may move one step forward but then likely we will move two steps back? If this is our belief, this is how we will direct our life’s journey.
Our posts are written well in advance and this post was not written with COVID19 in mind. We are not downplaying the seriousness of what is taking place in our world currently. That being said, what is said here can certainly be read with our current events in mind. This lesson at hand is certainly a big one. Do not learn it through fear. Do what you can to be safe but utilize this very “private” time we have been given reflect and grow.
Be safe!
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