Material life has its significance. If it did not, we would not be here. Surely, however, our inner-self is not concerned with material abundance and financial rewards. If it were so important would we not be take our belongings with us when we pass on into the next stage of our soul’s existence?
We leave everything material behind but undoubtedly we bring with us our experiences and the enlightenment gained in this life.
Many people speak of their continual search for a connection with their higher self and ultimately again with source. We feel as though we are divisible beings on a journey to become one and indivisible, returning to the whole.
It would therefore seem that it is our life’s purpose to experience and gain insight that only physical existence can provide.
We are not here by chance and nothing is without its reason. Discover what this existence has to offer beyond the day to day survival requirements and chores. Share love; exercise compassion and any and all other experiences available.
Find your truth simply by being.
Discover yourself simply by living but living fully.
We can experience deep joy through our connection with our inner self and through our connection with all who surround us.
We are one true essence!
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