We will pass through many new areas as we walk out life’s path, including areas we never dreamt existed let alone would be part of our quest.
We will feel at times that we have come full circle and other times the path will be foreign. There will be times when we feel as though we are stalled or stagnated. We feel as though we have been walking in circles without realizing it and have not put any distance behind us. These brief moments are actually valuable review opportunities. Do not waste these opportunities by allowing frustration to set in. Seize the moment and turn inward for review. What wonderful opportunities to prepare ourselves for what is yet to come.
We can take these opportunities to consciously open up to the energies now awakening within us and to take a look around us and be grateful for what surrounds us.
We are forever growing throughout this life yet we rarely know what lies next. Because our growth is not what we expected, does not mean that we are not growing. We can prepare for what we feel is going to come but there may be some surprises in store for us.
If we have allowed ourselves to become frustrated and disappointed, we will eventually come to the realization that the path life is taking us on is actually better than the one we had envisioned.
Sometimes we think we are falling short of who we want to be and these quiet moments in our journey allow us the space to recognize that the person we are in search of already dwelling within. This individual we are trying to “mold” into already exists within. We just have never taken the time to clearly see our higher selves.
Once we understand the process, we learn to stop looking as the searching itself can give us the feeling of being lost. We begin to awaken to ourselves and a new path shows up in front of us.
As we journey this new path, one step at a time, we feel as though our journey is now heightened. We feel much more wise yet this knowledge too has always been a part of who we are.
Our journey takes us to places we may not have been prepared for and for some this can be a little unnerving. However once we have stepped onto this new path, we also understand that fear is generated by ego and we can quickly let go of that as we have faith in the process.
The entire journey is actually a round trip and we come back to where we started, although it seems truly unfamiliar. Our destination is that of oneness with all that is. We venture off individually in order to recognize the one, the whole when we return.
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