It is hard to shake some of the events that take place in our world especially if they happen right at our own front door. It is difficult to stay neutral and not be affected by these events as some are so incomprehensible. We, at times, find ourselves directly on the stage of these events or captivated by their energies.
When we allow our life to focus on stress and fear, our connection with source deteriorates. We can be swept away by these events and emotions. It is much more beneficial to step back emotionally and allow these events to bring out the best in us. We have to look inward for strength and purpose for ourselves and for those around us.
Do not own these events. We cannot allow fear to dictate our response. Maintain an inner focus on all that allows peace and serenity. It is normal to slip from time to time as we are all human. A gentle reminder is important to refocus on all that is good in life as we know our focus creates our reality. This is not to say that we have created these acts around us but we have created our reaction and emotional response towards them.
Stand tall in the face of adversity regardless of what that might entail. Know and understand that we have the strength to rise above any event in life.
Recognize your strengths. Fortify your protective barrier through focus.
We can make it through anything and gain inner confidence along the way.
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