Pluto plays a significant role in our lives regardless of its new classification as a dwarf planet by NASA. Some individuals question if it should still be used in Astrology chart analysis. It is this Astrologer’s opinion that regardless of its size classification, it has not lost its significance in Astrology chart readings and it plays a very significant role.
Pluto regenerates and revolutionizes our lives as does the other outer planets; yet Pluto’s influence is more powerful than most. When it is time to review our lives and transcend from previous conditions, Saturn and Uranus have their part to play, but the agent of change is often the energies of Pluto. Pluto transforms our lives and its influence is not something that we can take lightly. Its impact is often subtle in the beginning but becomes more apparent as time passes. Pluto’s impact is so powerful that it often takes several years to fully comprehend its influence on conditions in our lives.
Pluto causes you to face reality in a more powerful way than any other planet and forces you to dig deep before there is any chance of regeneration and transition to take place. It can be quite disruptive in action similar to the energies of Uranus. Uranus’ action, however, is usually instant and you cannot prepare for what is about to take place. You do not even really know how Uranus will affect you, but one thing for sure is that the unexpected will happen.
Pluto does not suggest that you reflect and take notes. Pluto demands action and if you choose not to react appropriately, it fosters change and transformation in a more aggressive ways than its first demand for change.
Pluto is important in many ways. It opens the door for required change and puts an end to conditions that no longer serve a purpose. It is evolutionary in its design and will help you facilitate the growth that is required in your life. Pluto is a powerful agent for change and transformation. When it crosses your Ascendant or MC, you will realize its presence. Life will undergo massive changes and the changes are designed to move you in the direction that is appropriate for you evolutionary growth during that point in time.
Once Pluto is activated in your life, it is hard to ignore. When Pluto has completed its cycle, things will pass away or be massively transformed. Pluto will not be ignored and helps you to uncover any deeper facets that need to surface, either by challenged or by removing them from your life. It is a necessary ingredient for evolutionary growth and its influence is very powerful and affluent for your life’s progress.
Pluto transforms, regenerates, and underlines all of life’s complexities. It forces you to make alterations and often presents you with obstacles or challenging conditions to help you facilitate this growth. Pluto is often present during times of death as it is suggestive to transformation on the highest level of existence. It propels individuals to the next stage of evolution beyond that of the physical reality. Pluto is never a negative factor. It always has its place and is a required element in our lives.
When Pluto is activated in your chart, be ready for transformation and know that you are in the right place at the right time for this to take place. Welcome Pluto’s impact into your life and take in all the energies and life changing elements that it offers.
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