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We have had much discussion of late concerning links in the birth chart indicating potential psychic abilities and pronounced intuition.

I personally believe that all people have the potential to unlock psychic abilities but it is imperative to believe that these are talents dormant within. The birth chart does, however, indicate those individuals that may be able to access these abilities easier than other individuals.

The following traits are normally found in birth chart of those with developed psychic abilities or potential. We have also found that those not blessed with the following traits in their natal chart may have indicators through the progression of the planets at point in their lives. Remember, however, the birth chart is a lifelong blue print of your journey, which is forever unfolding. You can overcome any challenging aspect found within the natal chart by promote positive energies into your life through your focus and by utilizing the energies and trends offered during specific times in your life (and this is where an Astrology Chart truly shows it usefulness).

It is more common for women to have more psychic characteristics than men. This is due to the fact that in order to bring these character traits to the surface, we have to utilize our instincts and sensitivities. Most women have, through their nurturing nature, developed these traits early in life. This is not to say that men do not have these qualities, as today’s men are learning to develop their compassionate and sensitive side. As a result, we are seeing more men enjoy their abilities and psychic nature.

Quite often people with Grand Water Trines have psychic or intuitive abilities as their sensitivities are often not hindered. Many people with a strong element of water in their charts, particularly Pisces and Scorpio, have links to psychic potential. Sometimes those with the signs Aquarius and Sagittarius and the planets Uranus and Jupiter strongly aspected in their Charts (especially by Neptune, the Sun or the Moon) have these qualities. Strong planetary links to the water houses (4, 8, 12) have the same potentials.

Ties to Neptune especially with Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, the Sun and the Moon often produce these qualities. Pluto and Neptune in close sextile also often points in this direction. Those individuals with a North or South Node connected to Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer have these abilities. The North Node suggests talents that have yet to be developed but will be pushed to the surface during this life, while the South Node suggests that these psychic potentials were cultivated in a past life and are carried forward and usable in this life.

Saturn connected to Neptune may steady the psychic abilities and keep the individual grounded. Alternatively, it may suggest a hindrance or blockages in developing this potential.

Rising signs often carry energies creating potential for developing psychic abilities especially Pisces or close ties to Neptune of a positive sort (sextile, trine or perhaps the conjunction) to the ascendant. Cancer rising can also suggest psychic abilities, often suggesting strong mothering instincts and a nurturing personality. The same potential exists with Scorpio rising although the mothering is not as innate as those with Cancer and individuals having a strong tie to the planet Pluto. As a result, Scorpio rising individuals must watch for wanting to dominate with this God-given talent, which will create a blockage.

As you can see, there are many links associated with the psychic development and intuition potentials. The more these characteristics are found in your birth chart, the stronger the potential that you will master this gift. The greatest enemy to building psychic abilities is fear or those that seek power and dominance through their potential.

This potential is a gift that should be used for the greater good.

Have a look at your chart and see what lies dormant and waiting to unfold. There is always potential. Will you utilize yours?

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