In the face of adversity, push forward; When in doubt, push forward; When you feel safe, push forward, When you are worried about failure, push forward; When you are told by everyone that you will never make it, push forward; If the road ahead looks impassible, push forward; If the path ahead looks easy, push forward; If you are worried about the final outcome, push forward; If you think you might have made a wrong decision, study the route options, then push forward; If you are at wits end, take a breath and push forward; If you feel you are at the mercy of life, push through it and push forward; Under all conditions, push forward!
I could keep going but suffice to say that the only roadblocks, the only thing holding you back is your decision not to push forward. Build your confidence, set your sights and push forward.
You are stronger than you think. Push yourself forward.
KNOW that you can do this. KNOW that you can conquer anything, big or small.
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