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In order to maintain a more positive journey, at times we will have to realign our focus. Sometimes we get a little lost in events and forget that our concentrated focus forms our reality. We can easily get lost and become complacent. Unintentionally, we go into automatic pilot and become absorbed in these events. When the lessons get tough, we can get lost in an attitude of “why me” and allow this less than ideal attitude to carry us away. We can lose touch with the results of past lessons and get swept away. Thank goodness something jolts us back into the moment and reminds us that our focus is actually exaggerating the lesson that we currently see as being so tough.

Remember that we are human particularly when we veer off course with our focus and gratitude. Be gentle with yourself but the earlier we recognize our negative focuses, the faster we can re-centre ourselves and start to enjoy the ride again. In particular, it is important to pay attention to what is significant in our lives and what bring us happiness especially during the harder lessons. We are always capable of shifting our focus to anything that helps us to experience happiness (it is a choice) and this choice eventually helps us decide to choose calm over chaos.

The object of our focus does not have to be anything colossal. As a matter of fact, it is usually the small simple pleasures of life that help to uplift us. As we are well aware, focusing on negativity only brews sadness, fear and anxiety.

If we have allowed ourselves to slip back into negativity for an extended time or if this is a new concept, it can certainly take some work as we identify with these energies. It can be difficult to even recognize in the beginning, but with constant mental reminders and a gentle but concentrated effort, it does gets much easier. Eventually a focus on negativity will become effortlessly recognizable. Your vibration (energy) changes as you regain your positive momentum and life will feel as though it is lifting. It will feel much lighter and easier. It may take some time for these effects to be noticeable as much depends on how long we have been drawn into negative drama. Little by little, we notice the subtle changes and our lives will begin to feel and look much more promising.

Do not give in to the challenging conditions in life. View them simply as lessons that lead us to great growth and development.

We can never forget our focus. By developing a positive focus, we take control of our journey and our attitude towards it.

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