On April 30, 2019, Saturn begins a retrograde cycle. The retrograde motion begins when Saturn is at its closest point to earth and it appears to slow down and remains stationary retrograde for about 3 days. It willl remains in retrograde motion (usually moving about 7-8 degrees back) and then stations direct for about 3 days after which it starts its forward motion once more.
Saturn stays retrograde for about 140 days. Saturn’s cycle around the Sun is approximately 29 years and when it returns to its original position in your natal Chart, this is known as the Saturn return. During this cycle, Saturn remains retrograde for approximately 15 degrees in each sign.
Jupiter in retrograde has some similarities to the planetary energies of Saturn, which has to do with restriction and delays. Saturn in retrograde however offers energies similar to Jupiter when Jupiter is in its forward motion.
Saturn works in a much less restrictive manner while in retrograde and because Saturn is associated with the past and to some extent past life experiences, there are those that attest that Saturn in this life is affiliated to a past life’s Karma that is brought to the surface in this life. This characterization is connected to the Saturn in the birth chart.
When Saturn turns retrograde, while in transit, it is still unwise to initiate career changes although there is nothing wrong with contemplating future activities. Even though Saturn in retrograde operates better than while in direct motion, the retrograde cycle of all planets is a time that we should be using to plan. If Saturn, while in retrograde, squares the MC or the Sun, it may be wise to wait until it is out of orb of these aspects before moving ahead with any of your objectives. You may do better when Saturn is making a sextile or trine.
It is always a good idea to have your plans in place prior to any Saturn contact while moving through the Zodiac, because Saturn does not like things undone or incomplete. Saturn has to do with business and enterprise and with careful planning and intensive investigation and study, Saturn will provide structure and a solid foundation over time.
Saturn is the teacher and the disciplinarian, but also provides rewards for a job well done. If Saturn makes contact to any natal planets or angles (and Saturn will move between 14 and 20 degrees Capricorn from April 30 to September 18 in 2019 during it retrograde motion), you might want to review any plans and be ready to set them in place for future action. There will be times in the upcoming year that will be more suitable and results would pan-out in a more favourable manner.
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