Transiting Saturn has been squaring transiting Neptune since the early spring of this year (2016) and will continue to remain in this aspect until early November, when it finally moves out of orb of Neptune. If you have natal planets in and around 10 degrees of any sign (within the orb of 7-17degrees), you will have been experiencing the energies of this transiting square between these two energies. It would be particularly powerful if you have either a planet or angle in Sagittarius or Pisces, as this would be square one of these transiting planets or conjunct one of them. If you have both Sagittarius and Pisces influenced in your natal chart, this would be a very powerful combination.
Saturn squaring Neptune tends to stifle the energies of Neptune and at the same time when this transit is finished, it will have built a solid structure in regards to what the energies represent. Have a look at what houses will be affected to give you further information as to how these energies are unfolding. Saturn is the great disciplinarian and teacher and will make things move slowly or even completely stop Neptune’s energies. Neptune has to do with spirituality and psychic inspiration, visions, clairvoyance and other energies along this line.
With Saturn and Neptune squaring one another, you may have found that your pursuit towards psychic endeavours has been held up and stalled, almost as though your resolve is being tested. If you are psychic, you may find it challenging to read or receive. We are all psychic in our own ways so you are not alone in these abilities. Although Saturn is making things a little challenging and you may feel somewhat stagnated or held back. Its energies are, however, building a solid foundation based on hard work, diligent effort, and an ongoing pursuit of the psychic and mystical practices. So although you have felt these restrictions, you are building a structure and solidifying your credentials as this time passes. The rewards will be significant when Saturn releases its hold on progress in this area of life in November.
Another manifestation of this same square is that in a business sense, you may feel as though you are not completely sure of the direction that things are taking you. It is as though a vail of uncertainty or a fear of failure has been part of the process for this during the square. Perhaps you are attempting to start a business and somehow things are not fitting as you would like or a cloud of uncertainty seems to be standing in the way of progress. Neptune tends to cloud matters and makes things very unclear and void of direction when it is in aspect.
Remember to review the houses that are involved in the equation as these areas of life will be highlighted. Also have a look at the mid-point of these two transiting planets which would be approximately 25 degrees Capricorn. This degree will be the central focus of these energies and any planets within orb will be highly accentuated and strongly affected by these powerful planetary energies. Any planet or angle in this degree will be defined by house position, a highly energized area connecting the energies of these two planets. Midpoints bring into focus one more ingredient into the equation and will be highly focused during this entire period.
Even if you do not have planets in these areas, the same energies are still affecting you but perhaps not in such an intrusive way. You will still have to work through this and you will also feel a release once this aspect has completed its course.
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