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We have touched on eclipses many times (and no we are not experiencing a Solar or Lunar Eclipse when this article is being posted) but we thought we should go a little deeper on how to decipher the meaning and strength of an eclipse.

We talked about the correlation of the duration of eclipses and the effects of its energies as related to the timing. We have suggested in the past that if an Lunar eclipse lasted for 3 ½ hours, its energies would remain relevant for up to 3 ½ months.

After more study, some Astrologers are now suggesting that this influence is over a much longer period. If for example a lunar eclipse were to last 3 ½ hours, they are suggesting that the effects will be felt for 3 ½ years. Further study is certainly warranted. The solar eclipse's effects last for years equivalent to the hours of duration.

It is understood that an eclipse (regardless of whether it be Solar or Lunar) will have an impact in the charts of those individuals that have a natal planet that is in proximity to the positioning of the eclipse. A three degree orb is suggested and in particular when the natal planet or angle is in conjunction, square and opposition to the eclipse position. Trines and sextiles will also apply, but it has been noted that the conjunction in particular is the most influential of the aspects. For example, if an Eclipse is at 18 degrees of Leo conjuncting a natal Sun at 15 to 21degrees in Leo (within three degrees) this would be an applicable conjunction.

A transiting planet in aspect (conjunction or opposition) during the duration in years of the date of the eclipse will once again activate the initial degree of the eclipse as it makes a conjunction or opposition to the eclipse degree. As always with any aspect, the house position and sign position will determine the area of life and type of energy that may manifest because of the eclipse.

If the eclipse is at 18 degrees Leo then the transiting planets when reaching 18 degrees Leo or 18 degrees Aquarius will provide the trigger for activity. The faster moving planets, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars can reach this point several times over the duration of the Eclipse’s influence. Jupiter does a total orbit around the Sun every twelve years so it MAY reach the eclipse only once, if at all. While Saturn which goes through a sign of the zodiac in 2 ½ years may only reach this position once, if at all.

Because of all the information, we want to cover on this topic, we will have to continue our look at the influence of Solar and Lunar Eclipses on September 17, 2018.

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Our diagram of a Solar and Lunar eclipse is courtesy of “VectorStock”



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