A Solar Return Chart is generally prepared at the time of an individual’s birthday, although it can be prepared at any time and is prepared with information on the exact day that the Sun returns to its original position in the natal chart, by the sign, degree, and minute, precisely. If the Sun in the birth chart is in Capricorn at 15 degrees 12 minutes, the return chart is prepared with the exact same location for the year in focus.
This Chart is prepared in similarly to a birth chart, as the exact timing establishes the Ascendant degree for your location. The location is where you may happen to be on the day of the return, (which, again, establishes the Ascendant’s degree.) It is read as a birth chart although it is only focused for the year from birthday to birthday. Some begin to feel the energies as they approach the birthday as much as 3 months prior to the actual birthday.
Studying your Solar Return Chart can help you prepare for the energies which will be at hand and you can focus on whatever areas of life will be emphasized for that year. You can also add transits to the solar return for the period in question.
The Ascendant sign and ruling planet of the Ascendant, the Moon and its sign and house position, the Sun and its house position as well as any major configurations and tight aspects will play significant roles. If the Solar Chart has many similarities to the natal chart, it will be an important year, especially if the rising sign is close in degree to the rising sign of the natal chart.
The Moon, its house and aspects will define your emotional makeup for the focal year. You should also investigate the aspect from the Solar chart to the natal positions, as this will help give a clear picture and provide you with timers for events and areas of life that might be involved. Remember our natal chart is our blueprint.
Although the Sun is in the same sign and degree, its house placement likely will be different. There are many other facets to take into consideration but this chart on its own will define clearly what to expect in the year in focus and will often correlate with the transits and progressions to the natal chart. It adds dimension to the overall translation of upcoming energies and events in the forecast for the year ahead.
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