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Have you been searching for someone who will make you whole?

Do you envy other couples that seem to be comfortable together and appear so complete?

You might ask yourself will I ever be able to locate my significant other? Is there someone out there for me that will complete me?

It is so important to understand that no one else can make you whole. Wholeness and completeness is a feeling that comes from within.

Yes, someone else can compliment who we are but they cannot make us whole. We are always whole within.

If we spend our time looking for someone, we may find that that special someone will always be elusive. The search itself suggests that we feel as though we “need” and are “lacking”. This is the energy we are surrounding ourselves with and therefore to keep that energy alive, no one will show up. If we express a lack, we ask for more of the same.

The secret is to know that we are perfectly fine on our own and we do not “need” someone else to make us whole. Stop searching and the search will be over. By being at ease with what is in our life now, we find contentment. When we are happy with who we are and our circumstances, the door opens for more happiness.

There is no such thing as a perfect partner but there certainly is someone out there for each of us. No one will reflect the imaginative perfect picture we have created as our perfect love yet if we are flexible and willing to work at a relationship, there is someone out there for each of us. If we look for flaws within others, we will only find flaws. If we look for the good in others, we will see the good shine.

For those of us that believe in past lives, we do not question that those individuals that come into our circle have been with us before and sometimes there is karma to be played out. Karma can be challenging but can also be rewarding. We build our lives by what is done in the moment and can ask for Karma to be lived out now.

Some individuals will meet that special person and maybe even their soul mate but may not recognize them as such because of their expectations. Our soul mate can easily be the one we spend our life with or they can be someone you spend a period of time with to learn a specific lesson.

Release expectations and remain open. Expect challenges and hard work. Love and allow. Do not forget however to realize the wholeness within.

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