When we have been struggling and our mental functions are overloaded, we can find solace through alignment with what our heart is telling us. The mind can run relentlessly over and over the same parallel thoughts and we can become bound by this repetitions. It can help if we get out of our heads and into our hearts to see ourselves through these times.
We spend countless hours reviewing and looking from every angle at what the mind is persistently telling us and this persistence sets the stage for more of the same. We become stuck in a thought and follow along blindly trying to make it go away. We give our mind control and we are prisoner without realizing we have choices.
Listen to that little, quiet voice reassuring you that things will get better. Our ego wants control and insists that the little voice is wrong and there is no way out.
Stepping out of darkness by recognizing our focus and redirecting our thoughts into another area often brings a turning point so that we can step beyond. Do not try to ignore what is transpiring or to stop thinking about it, this only gives it more attention. Shift your focus to something different or opposite of what you are fixated on.
If you are experiencing poor health, think in terms of being healthy and that this is already part of who you are. You need to rekindle the truth. If you have relationship issues, think of what is good about the other person and pay attention to the good in the relationship. Working this way promotes more of the same and alters our focus.
We are not at the mercy of life! We must pay attention to how we think and focus. Our focus is a choice. Where do you choose to look?
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