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Those born in the sign of Capricorn are known to be serious minded individuals, who are somewhat reserved, conscientious, and reliable. They are great managers and do well in the world of business. They are often leaders in their own field. They commitment to success and work relentlessly towards their goal of achievement and advancement. In many cases they will work towards the goals often linked to earthly matters, regardless of how long it takes to advance.

They respect authority who have proved themselves and worked their way up the corporate ladder. Capricornians are leaders, not followers, but will listen to advice and then make their own decisions on how to proceed. They are not risk takers and understand the meaning of hard work and disciplined effort and know that it all takes time. They are the builders of the zodiac.

It should be noted that much of what this post relates to will be accented by the influence of the sign Capricorn in the natal chart along with placements of other planets in the tenth house. A weak Capricorn or strong influences in other areas of the chart can dilute the Capricorn energies.

Some Capricornians have issues with negativity. This is a result of the ruling planet, Saturn, which often makes things more difficult and does not believe in short cuts. Worry and anxiety can result when life is not moving along as wished, and these feelings will be bottled up so no one else can see them. They appear quite in control of life’s situations even when they are not. Although quite sensitive the typical Capricorn will not openly admit to this and hold back emotion under nearly all situations.

Our astrology post on December 22, 2021 will touch on a mini forecast for Capricorn.

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