The Sun moves into the regal sign of Leo on July 23, 2020 locally.
Leo is the sign of royalty and in some ways, these individuals carry themselves as Kings and Queens. They command attention wherever they go, and others will notice their flair. When they enter a room, they will be noticed. This is not to say that they demand attention but they do stand out and unless there are other factors in the chart that makes these individuals more meek, (perhaps several planets in the sign of Pisces or in the 12th house or more subdued like strong Taurus or perhaps Capricorn in their charts) they definitely stand out.
Leo likes control or at least to be of a helping hand in life’s situations. They are always there to lend a hand in times of struggle and even if you are making plans, they always have ideas on how to better things and make them flow easier. They are helpful although some people might be offended when one of these helpful Leo individuals tries to take charge.
Leo is ruled by the Sun and their helpfulness comes straight from the heart.
Leo individuals do like appreciation for their efforts and will not take kindly to those that try to take advantage of their generosity. They do not like to be used but a pat on the back goes a long way. They have a lot of energy being a fire sign. They are also fixed in their opinions and at times will not listen when they honestly believe they know better.
During the next few months, Mars will be in the sign of Aries which is also a fire sign, and in transit, it will be making a trine over the next six months to those with their Sun in the sign of Leo. You can give yourself a five-degree orb as Mars approaches and two-degree orb as it moves out of orb. Mars will go into retrograde during this period, so those with their Sun from 15-28 degrees will have Mars pass over their Sun by trine up to three times over this period. Mars goes into retrograde motion on September 9 and remains in retrograde until November 14, 2020. Check the ephemeris to see what degrees and when Mars will make a trine to your natal Sun.
Mars’ energies are about drive and ambition and those with their Sun in Leo may find periods during this phase when they can accomplish a lot. These Leo individual must make sure they pace themselves and must realize that they can make changes or move in directions that line up with their goals in life. They can also make personal changes and set goals for themselves at this time, making changes that reflect who they are and what they might want.
Mars is also about sexual drive and the desire to excel in this area of life as well. If they happen to find someone whom they are attracted to, the push may be extraordinary. They may feel a powerful draw to these individuals and the Leo sexual desires may rise to new proportions. Do not forget Leo loves with all their heart, so make sure that there is more than just sex pushing for a connection under this influence.
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