As mentioned yesterday, the Sun moved from the fixed air sign of Aquarius into the mutable water sign of Pisces on February 18, 2022. We have looked at the traits of Pisces yesterday and today, we are focusing at the aspects affecting those with their Sun in Pisces.
As this post is written, Jupiter, is at 10-11 degrees of Pisces conjuncting the Sun (in Pisces). Jupiter has a tendency for expansion and optimistic approach to life with generosity that is exceeded by no other sign. Those with this current aspect may find that the door is open to exploring the unexplained and the mystical alignment now available. This is regulated by the house where the Sun and Jupiter are located and defines the area of life that is now under expansive tendencies. For those with this aspect, their personal understanding of themselves is under review and open to suggestion and intuitive feedback and the road ahead may be clearer as time passes.
For those with their Sun at 22 degrees Pisces, you are now experiencing the conjunction of Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. This will offer exploration into the psychic realms for those so inclined. Neptune opens the door for inner perception, and valuable information may surface through dreams and mediation practice.
This can be a powerful awakening period for those with this position strong in their charts and to a lesser degree for those with their Sun in the 22 degree range from the other water signs (Scorpio and Cancer forming a trine to these placements).
For those with musical talents or religious inclinations, the door also opens, and there will be inspiration available.
Those involved in acting may also find that creativity and insight come their way and they can align clearly with those that they are interpreting.
Of course, there may be other indicators in the chart that bring forth challenges or even more enhancement to these placements but now is the time to take advantage of the positive reinforcements available. All the best in your movement forward.
Happy solar return to all Pisceans.
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