This transit of Jupiter to Mars tends to bring forth feelings of optimism and potential growth and provides the determination to succeed in our endeavors. Insight and understanding in a wider scale than normal can bring about desired results.
For example, a little push with your inspirational ideals at work might produce just what you wish to achieve. Some will find a promotion of sort, or recognition in their chosen field. Starting a business under this aspects (with due consideration of the other aspects in place) can promote your goals and undertakings.
You might feel more lucky than normal and more cheerful. You may even want to right any wrongs due to irritation or hard feelings from the past. You are looking for contentment, happiness and freedom to act as you choose. You may desire to be free to establish yourself as you choose with confidence. You may find that you are more focused on your ambitions and if spirituality is part of your path, you may find that you pursue this area more vigorously.
This may be a physically active time, and you may want to begin a healthier regimen which may include an exercise programs. Outdoors activities might be especially appealing now.
Jupiter has to do with growth, expansion, optimism and luck. While Mars has to do with action and push to achieve and is our driving force. The two energies together can produce some valuable insight and gain depending on the area of life that is pursued. The trine offers easy flow and potential gain although often suggests that we need to pursue our objectives. They likely will not fall into our lap. The trine’s energies seem so pleasant and life may feel as though it is going to move perfectly even without any effort, but action on our part produces a more desirable end result.
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