Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn falls under the element Earth in Astrology.
Taurus individuals need to build financial security and a stable and reliable retirement. They are security-minded and persistent in their efforts. They are considered stable individuals who can be relied on.
Virgo individuals are practical, down-to-earth and very productive. They like to work in an organized and thorough manner. They are exacting, realistic and dependable. They are the most reliable of the earth signs and are also security minded. They are orderly and industrious and very earth-bound. Virgo individuals seek to develop a stable and secure foundation from which to work from. Stability is important as with all earth signs and they will relentlessly work towards this end.
Capricorn individuals are also very steadfast in their earthly pursuits and they also seek security in life and realize that it takes effort and persistence to reach the ultimate position in life which is tied to material success. All three of the earth signs hold most of these characteristics in common although Capricorn is probably the most consistent and patient sign of the three. This is largely due to the influence of Saturn, the teacher or task maker, which is their ruling planet.
If you were to give the Sun and the Moon (if in the element earth) 2 points each and the rest of the planets in the element earth including the MC and the Ascendant one point each, if you reach a total of at least 6 there would be an emphasis in this element of Earth in the natal chart. People with six or more earth signs have a strong desire to achieve in the material sense and what they achieve has to stand the test of time and secure their future plans. They are attuned to their senses and live in the moment when dealing in facts. They often enjoy the physical comforts of an earthly existence and seek to become comfortable and secure as they mature into themselves.
It is a common assumption that these individuals are not overly emotional, yet they are. They are emotional on a very deep level. They do not show their emotions easily, particularly Capricorn which often has a challenge when trying to express their feelings. All earth signs could be considered somewhat calculating individuals and all have goals in mind and they usually know that it takes time to reach their goals. They are willing to wait and will not take short cuts as this would risk the overall outcome.
You would do well to associate yourself with individuals with a strong earth influence as they will be reliable and steadfast companions. They will offer up their best to help you find security in your life, at least in a monetary sense and will work hard in relationships to create a firm foundation that will stand the test of time.
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