As we travel the path of life, there are moments that are truly awe inspiring and unforgettable.
There are times that we feel encouraged to veer from the well-trodden path to cut a trail where few seemed to have ventured.
The venture seems new and exciting. As we move forward we begin to see just how warn the path actually is. Many have traveled this path before us and if we look close enough, we will come to realize that many others walk beside us.
Imagine the flow of people venturing down this meandering path. There are many twists and turns. It is a path lit by the life-giving sun. The view is filled with hills and valleys and bountiful foliage on all sides. Some valleys have deep crevices and some hills rise up to become great mountains. Somehow, we are not intimidated by these things that stand before us. We may experience flashes of fear but faith reassures us that we will persevere and conquer the route that this path will provide.
As we move deep into the forests, we notice that the mountains and valleys are not near as steep as they first appeared. It is as though the path shifts, as we approach, to make the travel easier for us. Although the well-worn path continues forever forward, we are not hesitant or overwhelmed. We cannot see beyond the next curve in the path but somehow we know that we are moving in the right direction.
This is so with all things in life. What can appear insurmountable at first glance becomes far less intimidating as we examine it more closely. All that is required of us is to take that first step to conquer anything we are presented with.
Our path leads us to enlightenment and our eventual oneness with source. Never fear losing our way or wandering off course for when we feel we have veered off course, we actually are experiencing part of our journey. We may lose sight of the path from time to time but that is only due to the weakness of our eyes, not the path itself. If we keep putting one foot in front of the other, our focus will adjust and the path will eventually reappear exactly where it should be. Because we cannot see it, does not mean that it is not there.
Wherever we find ourselves is not by change. Our timing is always impeccable and we are exactly where we should be on our journey.
We seek tranquility and peace and our path offers this for our taking. Our journey is on the road to unconditional love if we care to open our hearts. These have always been there for the taking.
The time is now to take that step, that leap of faith…. to venture forward into what we term the unknown, even though this journey is so very familiar to us on a subconscious level.
We can take our time as we journey to absorb all that is available. Allow true dialogue with self and of course with those that journey this path with us. We have so very much to learn.
Feel free to question along the way, but be prepared for truthful answers. The truth is not always pleasant for the ego to hear.
The beauty we see around us is reflections of our inner selves and that beauty is constantly changing. The path we follow is a mirror. If we do not like what we see, what can we do within to create changes which will be reflected out?
Others can and will live their lives as they do. They do not create our viewpoints or reactions. Our reactions are generated solely by us.
There will be symbolic benches and individual seats where we can choose to sit to take in the scenery on our journey. These are important resting points so that we can stop to smell the roses. Make time for solitude and to reflect.
Move forward with confidence knowing that we are on the right path. We can feel free to question those around us. They are our guides, our guardian angels, our helpers. We can always count on them when we need them.
For those that come to us for assistance, treat them with compassion and respect.
We are to enjoy our journey and the beautiful reflections of self along the way.
All that is we need to master this journey is available and waiting for us.
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